Financial Information

In an effort to keep fees down and to maintain the highest quality treatment, we have established the following financial policies:

  • We offer a courtesy for payment in full for your portion if paid at the beginning of treatment.
  • We can provide in-house financing with payment plans free of incurred interest to help suit your financial circumstances.
  • We accept Visa and Master card and can set up automatic monthly payments for your convenience.

Insurance Benefits

If you are fortunate enough to have insurance coverage, we will gladly help you determine your benefits. We ask that you provide us with insurance information before or at your first visit. We would also like you to assign benefits to our office and we can create a financial arrangement for the balance that works for your individual needs.

A dental insurance policy is a contract between the insured and the insurance company, Our services are rendered and charged directly to the patient’s account and the patient or the person responsible for the account is ultimately responsible for all fees incurred. For your convenience, we will gladly assist you in submitting insurance claims pertaining to any charge for care in our office.

Are Braces Affordable?

Orthodontic treatment is a substantial investment for anyone. Knowing this, we try very hard to create a financial arrangement that works for your family. We will also work with your insurance company to maximize your benefits.

We truly believe that creating a beautiful smile is a gift for a life time.


Successful treatment always depends on the patient’s willingness to cooperate with our requests to wear different appliances many hours each day. Headgear, elastics, retainers, bionators, and bite planes are only effective when they are worn! Headgears should not be worn during any sports or play activity such as swimming, football or soccer, and should be placed and removed carefully and gently so that accidents may be avoided.

Regular Dental Visits

Please be certain to maintain dental visits every six months! Decay must be continually checked for and the teeth should be professionally cleaned on a regular basis. If there are gum tissue and bone health concerns, we will ask you to see your dentist or periodontist on a more frequent basis during treatment to be sure that you are able to maintain a healthy smile.

Please Ask!

We are confident that treatment will be pleasant if instructions are followed and questions are asked. We are always interested in explaining any facet of treatment. If the secretary or assistants are unable to answer your questions completely, please ask to speak to the doctor. If it is a busy period of the day, she will talk to you as soon as possible.